It is one of the
few things that is completely within your control. It is also one of the
things that employers expect you to handle without much discussion.
Basically, if you can dress yourself, you should dress yourself well. Do you
really need your employer to discuss this with you? Most don’t, but some do.
Let these tips serve as a reminder of what is expected of you in the

Yellow Monster Edition
Dress appropriately
When you represent
an establishment or engage in work within the community, your objective is to
build a positive report with your customers. Rapport begins with the first
point of contact. The clothes you wear send a message to your customer. Your
attire creates an impression that sustains the way people interact with you and
hold you in high esteem. Your clothes say a great deal about you. They tell a
customer if you are approachable or not. If you are exceptionally well dressed,
it can almost guarantee your approach ability.

The attire you
choose to wear is saying two things loud and clear to a customer that you cared
enough for them that you took the time to dress appropriately and that you take
your vocation and your relationships with your customers seriously. Unless your
employer requests an overly casual dress code, it is far better to overdress in
a professional manner than to dress down.
Customers tend to seek out sales associates and employees who dress well. Have you ever been to a supermarket or department store and mistakenly asked someone for a product only to find that the person doesn’t work there? If you have, then consider why you asked them. It was likely because their appearance led you to believe that they were an employee. Go the unexpected professional mile. Dress in a manner that impresses your customers.
wear baggy pants
Your personal
appearance is your personal responsibility. If there is no posted dress code on
the premises of where you work, then proceed as if there were. Your approach
ability, reputation, and perception are all on the line when you work with the
public. Think of it this way. When you approach a customer and start a
conversation, you are hoping to have their undivided attention so they will
appreciate your effort, focus on your message, and hopefully, make a sale. The
last thing you need to do is distract them by what you are wearing.

One more type of
dressing that can affect your ability to make a good impression is a “baggy
clothing” worn by you or anyone else in business because it can give you a dishevelled
appearance. This kind of fashion statement of the hip hop culture has somehow
made its way onto the retail scene. It’s true that the type of pants you wear
will have little to do with your ability to work at the sales floor. Still, the
number of people who shake their head in disbelief at this form of
expression cannot be ignored. It’s not about your freedom to wear baggy pants,
but it is about the way other people perceive you.
For the most part,
this is more of a problem for younger people. Is that you? If so, then you are
one of the people who can benefit from cultivating a more businessman
appearance. Baggy pants can leave customers questioning how seriously you take
your job. This is one of the few things in customer service that can be improve
quickly and easy fix. Be in the consumer shoes so you can improve much
more and monetize your sales.
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